Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Coins and Books

If you hear an intruder breaking into your house, and you are trapped upstairs, grab a sock or a pillow case and fill it with objects like coins or. if you have a pillow case, a couple books. You can swing the sock or pillow case easily, creating a halo of safety for yourself. This prevents the attacker from coming too close to you. It also gives you something to throw at them. The momentum of the sock or pillow case gives you more strength and power than if you were to hit out by yourself.


  1. Hi Richa and Andrew, long time reader of your blog. I enjoy all the great tips you have. Living in Westford I very often have to deal with people breaking into my house and several times I have had to fend them off. I was wondering if you could help me with one problem though which I often run into. When the burglar breaks into my house he is often wielding a gun. Sometime he will wake me up and throw me to the ground before I have time to react. By the time I realize whats going on I am usually locked in a closet out of reach of a plunger or pillow case. Although I can hear the robber stealing all my things and sometimes harassing my dog and my grandmother, there is nothing I can do. By the time I get out he has already stolen most of my valuables and reset all my computers and cable boxes which are a pain to reset. Before he leaves he likes to use my toilet and desecrate it and leave little notes next to his leavings. Worst of all he rearanges all my cabinets and drawers in my kitchen making it a pain to find what I need. This always results in a wasted saturday re-organizing all the cabinets. Eventually I find that I am running low on multiple kitchen appliances such as tub aware containers and pitchers and cooking tools like strainers and cookie cutters. Because of this I have to make a trip to Home Depot to pick up what Im missing. When I get there I am usually told that they do not sell kitchen appliances, but that they are a hardware store. I am redirected to Lowes which also turns out to be a hardware store. I finally find a Pottery Barn at the mall in Nashua and have to drop $243.45 on a strainer that according to Martha from Pottery Barne's sales department, is made of a stainless steel coated with a silver copper that will last many years and a wooden handle that was crafted by Gabriel Montemiero (a credited italian craftsman?) So by the end of my struggles I have a depressed dog, a smelly toilet, all my goods are gone, my grandmother has developed insomnia because shes afraid of the nightly break-ins, my kitchen is a mess because I can never start a project and finish it, my Saturday is ruined, Jerry from HomeDepot thinks I'm an idiot, so does the guy from lowes, and I've not only lost all my valuables, but I had to waste $243.45 on new kitchen appliances. Not to mention my tank is completely empty on gas because I didn't have money to buy gas (wonder why?) and I didn't want to miss the season premiere of THE VOICE. Now I'm gonna be late to work tomorrow because I have to call TRIPLE A to get my tank filled. My life is falling apart. Please help me deal with this frequent problem. Any tips would be a huge help.

    I prefer you help me with this before the end of the night.

    Thanks again, your biggest fan

  2. Dear BIGFAN,
    We love the enthusiasm towards our blog. We are glad to hear that people are reading it and giving us critical feedback to improve our topics. In the coming days, we will have a personalized response for you to ensure safety for your Grandmother, and yourself. We are also saddened to hear your ongoing struggle, but don't worry, Self Defense with Household Items is here to help!
    Andrew and Richa

  3. Thank you Richa & Andrew,
    but with all do respect if you could please help me with this issue tonight it would be greatly appreciated. My grandmother has locked herself in the attic with an axe. Her sleep deprivation has caused her to think a hurricane is comming and she refuses to come out because she thinks im trying to take her away because she thinks she is living in Frankfurt Germany her home town in 1941

  4. To BIGFAN,
    Unfortunately we can not respond with a viable way to safely defend your intruder at such short notice. We must review all aspects of your situation in order to effectively counter act your threat. We know this is difficult for you, and your Grandmother given the condition you are in, but with time we will come up with a recommendation for you. In the mean time, we suggest you give a call to your local authorities in order to effectively improve your situation. We hope that you continue to follow our blog, and learn for future threats. We will have your personalized response soon. Sorry for the inconvenience and best of luck.
    Andrew and Richa
